Muscle Reflex Testing


Muscle Reflex Testing is a fast, non-invasive, laser-like tool that assesses the energy or life force flowing through the energy meridians in our subtle body. The reflex is an unconscious and automatic pattern of reaction that can be activated by any one of the senses.

Muscle Reflex Testing in The LifeLine Technique® is conducted by having the person bend their arm at 90 degrees with their elbow tucked in at their side. The Certified LifeLine Practitioner applies slow and even pressure to the person’s wrist while the client meets the resistance. The client’s arm will go down a short distance but then there will be a point where there will be a lock. This is the baseline point. Generally speaking, from that baseline position the practitioner will interpret a muscle that gives way to mean that there is weakness in the flow of energy, which is caused by an imbalance or gap between the conscious and subconscious mind.

Muscle Reflex Testing (MRT) is focused on the ‘reflex’ response, and is no way an overpowering of the muscle. It is just like a doctor tapping on the point just below your knee that causes your lower leg to reflexively kick out. The muscle giving way in MRT is the same type of reflex, and it stems from the subconscious mind. In fact, the subconscious muscle reflex will always override a conscious choice. Knowing this is an important point because Certified LifeLine Practitioners use the reflex response in MRT to dialogue with the subconscious mind and discover the subconscious emotional patterns of reaction (reflexes) that are at the root of symptoms and stress.

It is also important to note that the subconscious mind, and subsequently the body, does not know the difference between imagination, memory, or reality. Have you ever thought of or discussed a stressful or embarrassing situation that you experienced many years ago but still felt your cheeks go red or your body start to shake etc? From the perspective of the subconscious mind it’s as if it were happening right now. So this means that it doesn’t matter if an emotion has been trapped from an experience when you were 9 or 25 years old because once you have connected with it, the subconscious mind reacts as if it were happening right now. The Certified LifeLine Practitioner uses MRT to validate that subconscious emotional patterns of reaction, which have a particular energy flow associated with them, have been harmonised, released and transformed.


The History of the Development of Muscle Reflex Testing

From Chinese medicine, which is 5,000 years old, we know that there is a system of energy pathways throughout the body, which are known as the acupuncture meridians. Acupuncturists place needles in specific points as a means of decreasing or increasing the flow of energy through these meridians to specific organs, depending on the person’s needs.

It took a few centuries for the Western world to learn the threads that tie together these pathways and the physical body. Today, thanks to Applied Kinesiology, we know that there are specific muscles associated with each acupuncture meridian and organ.

Kinesiology is a broad term that refers to the study of the biomechanical movement of the body. It has grown to incorporate muscle reflex testing. Kinesiology was pioneered in the 1940s by a pair of physiotherapists, Henry and Florence Kendall, who developed a way to ascertain the strength of a muscle. Their work is the basis for modern-day physical therapy.

In 1964, the late Dr George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology, which built upon the Kendall’s work and was incorporated into chiropractic techniques. Dr Goodheart discovered that every organ dysfunction is accompanied by a specific muscle weakness, which enables imbalances to be discovered through muscle testing.

Dr John Thie, best known for the technique ‘Touch for Health’, simplified Dr Goodheart’s work by introducing a series of muscle challenges or tests that enabled the system of muscle testing to be used as a diagnostic tool for lay people.

Dr Alan Beardall added ‘hand modes’ to the process after discovering that different responses in muscle testing were elicited depending on the position of his hands when he touched a specific point. His work is called ‘Clinical Kinesiology’ or CK.

All of these techniques provided the basis for communicating with the body’s energy or life force, and have led to many innovative techniques that allow us to access the innate intelligence of the body and the subconscious mind. The LifeLine Technique® is one of them.


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