Dr Darren R. Weissman is an internationally renowned physician, speaker, educator, and developer of The LifeLine Technique®.

He is the best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude: An Evolutionary Journey to Awakening Your Spirit, and has also written Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind: Your Mind’s Journey to Inner Peace. Dr. Weissman is a contributing author in the latest best-selling book by Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Healing Power of Water. He has also appeared in the films Beyond Belief and The Truth.

Dr Weissman earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Biology at the University of Kansas and his Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine at the National College of Chiropractic.

His post-graduate studies have included Applied Kinesiology (AK), Total Body Modification (TBM), Neuro-EmotionalTechnique (NET), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neuro-Modulation Technique (NMT), Chinese Energetic Medicine, and natural healing; some of which has been conducted with the developers of the therapies.

Dr Weissman has had additional intensive holistic training in Acupuncture and Five Element Theory, Ayurveda and the chakras, shamanism, Homeopathy, and magnet therapy, along with other forms of energy medicine at the Kalubowila Teaching Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dr Weissman has practiced holistic medicine for 17 years, and in 1999 he opened The Way to Optimal Health Medical Center near Chicago, Illinois.

Dr Weissman reaches a worldwide audience every Tuesdays via his Healing Circles and every Thursdays by hosting a Hay House Radio show called ‘The Heart of the Matter’. For more information on the Healing Circles please go to the following page: Healing Circle

As a speaker, Dr Weissman participates in conferences worldwide. He is a regular presenter at the"I Can Do It!" conferences presented by Hay House and the "Celebrate Your Life" conferences presented by Mishka Productions.


Dr. Weissman teaches The LifeLine Technique® in the United States and Australia (since 2009), and people with diverse backgrounds and training come from all around the world to study with him. There are currently Certified LifeLine Practitioners in 12 countries, including England, Denmark, Israel, United Arab Emirates, India, and Malaysia. Dr Weissman is passionate, inspirational and motivational. His teaching is always delivered with love and great energy and enthusiasm. He is absolutely masterful at what he does.


“I’ve experienced Dr Darren Weissman ‘up close and personal’, and his healing work is the wave of the future. In fact, I would daresay that the future is now! I highly recommend The LifeLine Technique®… because I know it works.”

– Louise L. Hay, the best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life

“I have experienced profound shifts as a result of receiving LifeLine sessions, and for this I am eternally grateful. I love this work!”

– Dr Wayne W. Dyer, the best-selling author of The Power of Intention

“Dr Darren Weissman is a gentle soul and a highly gifted body-mind-spirit worker. Although he is one of a kind, he is of the new breed of eclectic bodyworkers who come from a solid background of chiropractic and who will revolutionize the practice of mainstream medicine. Darren has mastered and fused elements of Neuro Emotional Technique (a pioneering form of energy psychology) with new-paradigm physiology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming to develop a unique and amazingly powerful healing system that taps into the power of Infinite Love and Gratitude…”

– Candace B. Pert Ph.D., the best-selling author of The Molecules of Emotion

“Having worked in natural health for decades, I have seen how subconscious suppressed emotions can limit people’s ability to heal. The LifeLine Technique is a fast, effective healing modality that allows you to release subconscious emotions that are holding you back…”

– Donna Gates, the best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet

“I want to let you know that your LifeLine technique has saved my left ovary, which had been twisted in half twice due to the 10cm cyst that was attached to it. I had no blood flow to my left ovary for an extended period of time (at least 6 hours) and 1.5 litres of internal bleeding.

I only learned of your technique three days after my emergency surgery, to untwist my ovary and remove the cyst and blood. After only one LL treatment I went for my follow up ultrasound and there was absolutely no trace that there was ever a problem with my ovary.

I want to be able to help others to experience amazing healings such as I have.

With Sincere Infinite Love and Gratitude


“I just wanted to give you some feedback on your technique. I'm making wonderful progress with children. Often they are one hit wonders.

I'd like to share a couple of examples with you, if you wouldn't mind because the technique is a blessing to my practice. I'm seriously in awe every time I receive this type of feedback and I am so grateful to you for your work.

1. 17 month girl was unable to eat solids. Every time she tried, she would gag. She was still being breastfed and that seemed to be the only type of food she was interested in. She also wasn't actively trying to walk although she could take a few steps. She'd been to cranial sacral therapist, and her GP had referred her to a specialist. She had one session and within 3 days her mother said she was eating spaghetti! She also did her first solid bowel motion ever! When I saw her one week later she was now introducing more foods and was walking exclusively. Her mother said that she had made more developmental progress in the last week than she had made in the last 8 months.

So Dr Darren, as I said, I am in awe and so grateful that such quick and easy method can be employed in solving minor childhood issues, without intervention, drugs, schedules or other contraptions… These children all had one session and received great relief.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. IL&G
Julia Barac”


The LifeLine Technique®
Application & Program Design
Giving Back
Conduct of Sessions
Jocelyn Harvey
Dr Darren Weissman
Code of Ethics
Professional Association
The LifeLine Technique®
What is The LifeLine Technique®?
The Mind
Triune Brain Theory
The Subconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind

Muscle Reflex Testing
Hand Mudra
Infinite Love & Gratitude
The Flow Chart
The 5 Basics
Application & Program Design
Program Design Personal
Individuals and Support Groups

Program Design Business
Small Business and Small Groups
Corporate and Organisations
    Giving Back
Free Sessions
      Conduct of Sessions
Two Key Therapeutic Tools
The 16 Steps of the Flow Chart
Creating an Intention
What to Expect
Healing Circles
Cancellation Policy
Jocelyn Harvey
Sydney and NSW Practitioners
Australian Practitioners