Jocelyn Harvey

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jocelyn Harvey.

I have enjoyed teaching, motivating, and inspiring others to believe in themselves and to bring out their best since my adolescence. I have been acknowledged for these qualities by other students’ parents, teachers, peers, colleagues, friends, clients while on practicum, and bosses throughout my working life.

I joined the Royal Australian Air Force as an Officer and Navigator in 1991. I found my posting as a Qualified Navigator Instructor from the start of 1997 to be the most rewarding of my career. I love teaching and it was an absolute delight for me to help young people achieve their dreams.

Throughout my Air Force career I enjoyed the interesting and challenging flying, friendships and teamwork, and the skills and knowledge I gained. I was also very fortunate to travel the world and experience a number of different cultures. However, by my early 30s I no longer had a sense of fulfilment or meaning in my life. This triggered me to commence a journey of personal and spiritual growth, which soon led me to desire a new career direction that would enable me to support and empower others in a meaningful and fulfilling way on a day-to-day basis.

In late 2005, an unexpected opportunity allowed me to move to Spain for several years and gave me the chance to pursue my new career goal. I studied a Bachelor Degree in Applied Social Science (Counselling) by distance, which I completed in 2010. As my personal and spiritual growth progressed, I also developed a keen interest in energy and holistic healing with a strong belief in the body, mind and spirit connection. I am a Reiki Master, sensitive to energy in my chakras and acupuncture meridians, and I experience ‘truth bumps’. I also feel a strong connection to angels.

I have always been motivated by the common good, and in recent years this has become more focused on the enhancement of society and the conscious evolution of humanity – contributing through personal responsibility and growth.

It was due to this motivation, my education, and my evolving beliefs that I wanted to find a holistic healing system that would combine the foundational strengths of Western psychotherapies with Eastern mysticism and healing philosophies. I also wanted a system that encouraged living a balanced and healthy lifestyle for body, mind and spirit on a daily basis. In May 2010 the universe led me to a Hay House ‘I Can Do It!’ conference,at which I discovered The LifeLine Technique®. Almost immediately I felt I had found exactly what I had been seeking. After experiencing a session, I was confident that I had found a complete, holistic healing system that was congruent with my therapeutic values.

I have a strong belief that there are almost always untapped unique talents and potential in all human beings. Through life experience and education I have learnt that fear and limiting belief systems are two key things that hold people back from fully owning their power and shining.

My belief in the efficacy of The LifeLine Technique® to transform people’s lives is unshakeable.



"As a chiropractor and kinesiologist I have had experience with a lot of holistic therapies, and I have found that The LifeLine Technique is a truly superior technique in terms of aligning the body, mind and spirit. It has been an eye-opening journey that I have shared with Jocelyn through The LifeLine Technique, which has allowed me to discover many of the subconscious patterns of reaction that have impacted every facet of my life. I have learnt so much about myself, been empowered to handle situations with present time consciousness, and seen shifts in blocks in my life that counselling and willpower alone have never shifted. I always look forward to my sessions with Jocelyn, as her heart-warming smile and compassionate spirit have made my experience of The LifeLine Technique all the more powerful. Thank you Jocelyn!"

– Jessica, Sydney NSW


"The Lifeline Technique has been beneficial for me because of the holistic nature of the rebalancing of the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional parts of my being. I now feel more authentic and empowered to create the life I want with confidence to explore new possibilities. My life has more clarity and purpose.
The Lifeline Technique has helped me to let go of limiting beliefs that were not serving me and I have been able to make positive changes in my life in a much faster and more confident way than any other type of therapy I have tried previously.
Jocelyn has a very supportive and patient approach to help me understand The LifeLine Technique. She is a good listener with an unconditional and caring attitude for the welfare and positive growth of her client and I am thankful to her for introducing me to The LifeLine Technique."

– Elena, Sydney NSW


"I was recently diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy.  After exhaustive medical investigations, with cause unknown, idiopathic was all the medical world could offer me.
My spirits were down, with many negative thoughts about my future flowing.   I felt fearful, devastated and isolated.  Then a friend recommended I try the LifeLine Technique with Jocelyn Harvey, a young practitioner.
I was sceptical at first, but now realise totally that my health and wellbeing is directly attributed, in part, to my subconscious disconnection from my feelings and emotions.
I realise that my thoughts have created emotions that have affected my peripheral senses.
With Jocelyn’s direction and enthusiasm, the LifeLine Technique has enabled me to transform fear and choose love and gratitude with amazing beneficial consequences to my overall wellbeing. As a LifeLine Practitioner, I could not recommend Jocelyn more highly. Her knowledge, enthusiasm and infectious smile can only leave you feeling positive and hopeful about the future."

– Garry, Sydney NSW


"I’ve been experiencing severe bloating and a host of other digestive problems that have seriously affected my quality of life. I was overworked and stressed, unable to think and communicate clearly. This impacted on the quality of my relationships and created even more stress. After I started seeing Jocelyn my condition started to improve. I’m now free from bloating and my communication and relationships have improved in an amazing way. I feel so much happier and healthier and am able to deal with life’s challenges from a place of empowerment and strength. Jocelyn is an amazing person and has done every step of the process to make sure I feel better and it works for me. I am so grateful to have met Jocelyn and experienced this amazing healing modality called The LifeLine Technique. I have had sessions with Jocelyn in person, over the phone, and remotely and they have all been powerful and effective. I would recommend Jocelyn to anyone who needs to improve their health and quality of life. Please do yourself a favour and book an appointment with Jocelyn today to experience a life changing healing journey to your perfect health."

Victoria, Sydney NSW


The LifeLine Technique®
Application & Program Design
Giving Back
Conduct of Sessions
Jocelyn Harvey
Dr Darren Weissman
Code of Ethics
Professional Association
The LifeLine Technique®
What is The LifeLine Technique®?
The Mind
Triune Brain Theory
The Subconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind

Muscle Reflex Testing
Hand Mudra
Infinite Love & Gratitude
The Flow Chart
The 5 Basics
Application & Program Design
Program Design Personal
Individuals and Support Groups

Program Design Business
Small Business and Small Groups
Corporate and Organisations
    Giving Back
Free Sessions
      Conduct of Sessions
Two Key Therapeutic Tools
The 16 Steps of the Flow Chart
Creating an Intention
What to Expect
Healing Circles
Cancellation Policy
Jocelyn Harvey
Sydney and NSW Practitioners
Australian Practitioners