Giving Back

Loyalty and charity are both important to me. In addition to offering reduced rates to longstanding clients, I also intend to do the following.


Free Sessions

Each month I will give 1 – 2 free individual sessions to one of my clients. The names of all of my clients from the previous month will either be put into a hat with one name drawn out, or I will simply muscle test to find the client to whom I will provide extra support.

The ‘winning’ client will have the choice of accepting the sessions for themselves or gifting them to another individual (with their informed consent), perhaps a sick relative or friend etc.

* Please note that unless the person lives close by, these sessions will likely be done remotely.


Self-Help Library

For a gold coin donation to charity, I will be making my library of personal and spiritual growth books, CDs, card decks, and DVDs available to clients.

* Please note a $40 deposit will be required and return periods will be 1-2 weeks.


Donations to Charity

In particular, I aim to continue aiding and supporting Barefoot Clinics, which is a charitable organisation that was founded in 2010 by an English acupuncturist, Leilani Lea. For more information please visit their site:

Barefoot Clinics has achieved much in the last two years in providing free acupuncture clinics in Nepal and India, while teaching locals in an intensive 6-month "barefoot doctor" program. The focus has been on providing culturally appropriate, sustainable and empowering health care.

Barefoot Clinics empowers local men & women to run their own clinics and has provided training to 14 monks and Nuns for the running of 4 free clinics in Nepal with another 9 Indian graduates about to start practice in rural and impoverished areas of Rajasthan, India.

Leilani has also partnered with Barefoot This has provided a new training base and Leilani is hoping to mushroom her Barefoot Clinics right across India.

I am currently sponsoring one of the nuns in Varanasi, which gives her more choices. I am also making donations to help equip new clinics and provide medical supplies for existing clinics.

Here are some comments from Leilani that she wrote in a February 2012 update:

Barefoot Clinics update: Acupuncture proves its point to:

Dear friends and supporters,

We hope that 2012 is beginning well for you all. For Barefoot Clinics, the year has already been busy and full of success. Click  here to see a short video of the students taking their exams. They all performed brilliantly.

This week, Leilani and her students responded to a patient in desperate need of treatment in a village near Tilonia. Here, Leilani reports on the patient's remarkable progress:

Sarju Devi is 95 years old from a nearby village. Last week she had a stroke and was paralysed down her entire right side including loss of speech. When Sarju had a CT scan, it revealed an acute haemorrhage. We went to her home and started her treatment - her family were around her: her oldest son, 75yrs old, watched as she was needled up on a cot in the sun; there is a dignity to her being treated in her own home. I take 2 or 3 students with me on each visit so that they all become familiar with the case and the treatment; they are doing an excellent job.

Sarju's right arm and leg were stiff; it was very difficult to move. Her right leg, from just above the knee all the way to the toes, was ice-cold. She was weak and very sleepy and barely wanted to open her eyes. She was completely unresponsive to stimuli and to her family around her. She has a catheter in place. Her family were spoon-feeding her liquid foods, her appetite was poor. After her first treatment, her wrist became completely flexible and she gained some movement in her limbs. Her mouth relaxed and her face lost the tension and muscle spasm.

Today, after 6 treatments, she is able to sit up with help, she meets one's eye knowingly and is responsive. She is trying to speak again. A whisper of a smile can be seen around her relaxed mouth. She can use her right arm, which was previously paralysed and circulation has returned to her right leg, making it warm as the rest of her body. Her appetite has improved and she is eating well. Her catheter had been removed and she

've shown her family some basic stroke-recovery exercises and later this week we will get her to sit up for some hours. As soon as she is able, we'll see if she can manage to stand and take a few aided steps, well supported. We continue to see her every other day and will keep you posted.

This is just one example of the work that Barefoot Clinics is achieving. When the students graduate, they will be able to meet the challenges of helping post-stroke cases quickly and effectively, back in their own villages. Acupuncture is again proving to be effective, portable and inexpensive; a perfect health solution for India.

With best wishes,
Barefoot Clinics

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The following comments from Leilani in 2011 evidence the joy she is experiencing in following her passion on purpose:


The LifeLine Technique®
Application & Program Design
Giving Back
Conduct of Sessions
Jocelyn Harvey
Dr Darren Weissman
Code of Ethics
Professional Association
The LifeLine Technique®
What is The LifeLine Technique®?
The Mind
Triune Brain Theory
The Subconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind

Muscle Reflex Testing
Hand Mudra
Infinite Love & Gratitude
The Flow Chart
The 5 Basics
Application & Program Design
Program Design Personal
Individuals and Support Groups

Program Design Business
Small Business and Small Groups
Corporate and Organisations
    Giving Back
Free Sessions
      Conduct of Sessions
Two Key Therapeutic Tools
The 16 Steps of the Flow Chart
Creating an Intention
What to Expect
Healing Circles
Cancellation Policy
Jocelyn Harvey
Sydney and NSW Practitioners
Australian Practitioners