The Heart Chakra         (Close)

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is concerned with forgiveness and compassion – unconditional love through which we accept another for doing their best. The heart chakra is integral to an individual’s ability to express love – platonic, romantic and spiritual.

Psychological Functions: Relationships, love, acceptance, self-control, compassion, guilt, forgiveness, harmony, peace, renewal.

Physical Issues: lungs, heart, chest, breasts, rib cage, circulatory system, thymus gland, knees, elbows, high blood pressure, lethargy, asthma, immune system, muscle tension.

Emotional Issues: unhealed emotional wounds, memories and relationships; love and intimacy; failure and loneliness; disorientation and alienation; hatred, grief, and anger; resentment and bitterness; forgiveness and compassion; and hope and trust.

The heart chakra’s energy will be out of balance if, for example, you: allow past negative experiences to limit your choices; hold on to resentments; don’t allow others to love you; and allow others to control you with their emotional wounds.

Positive actions to strengthen your heart chakra: cherish yourself first and then others; forgive others unconditionally; allow others to experience the world in their own way; spend time with family and friends; express caring in action; be patient with yourself and others; surround yourself with plants and listen to music with the sounds of nature; and utilise green décor in your home.