Healing Circles

Dr Weissman runs a worldwide, group healing session every Tuesday at 6 PM Central Standard Time in the USA, which is every Wednesday at 9 AM (winter) or 11 AM (summer) Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Dr Darren, as he is commonly known, chooses a group intention based on the theme he has explored on his weekly radio program called The Heart of the Matter, which is presented on Hay House Radio.

The Healing Circles can be listened to at the presentation time via phone or the internet, or they can be downloaded in MP3 format at a later time. The healing benefit is the same either way.

Healing circles can be purchased as follows:

  • 1 session for US $18
  • 4 sessions for US $72
  • 4 months for US $240

This may be another way for you to experience the benefits of the The LifeLine Technique® and also experience the technique with the man who developed it, albeit not in person.

To explore this option further, please go to www.drdarrenweissman.com



"Dear Dr. Darren,
I wanted to thank you for such a loving session. It was a neat thing to experience this as a group. I felt the hook-up especially strong.

I started the session feeling really out of sorts, with a splitting headache from a cold. I still have a headache, but I feel so much better overall. More peaceful, connected, and calm. My spirit feels so much calmer. Thank you so much.

With infinite love and gratitude,

“Hi Darren,
I need to communicate this very special experience that my partner had during the last Healing circle session.

During the connection, he felt someone come up to him from behind and shortly after he felt a hand rubbing and resting on his head. His intention was to heal the shaking of his hands, a condition that we have worked on several times and that has improved a bit but is (was) still there and that brought frustration, feelings of powerlessness and out of control. We know that it is related to an emotional event with his father when he was a child. Anyway he was very moved and tearful from the experience of your session but even more last night when he realized that his hands are not shaking anymore!

Another LifeLine miracle.

He is so grateful, So am I, Thank you so very much again and again and again and ...... counting.

Feelings of Infinite Love and Gratitude


The LifeLine Technique®
Application & Program Design
Giving Back
Conduct of Sessions
Jocelyn Harvey
Dr Darren Weissman
Code of Ethics
Professional Association
The LifeLine Technique®
What is The LifeLine Technique®?
The Mind
Triune Brain Theory
The Subconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind

Muscle Reflex Testing
Hand Mudra
Infinite Love & Gratitude
The Flow Chart
The 5 Basics
Application & Program Design
Program Design Personal
Individuals and Support Groups

Program Design Business
Small Business and Small Groups
Corporate and Organisations
    Giving Back
Free Sessions
      Conduct of Sessions
Two Key Therapeutic Tools
The 16 Steps of the Flow Chart
Creating an Intention
What to Expect
Healing Circles
Cancellation Policy
Jocelyn Harvey
Sydney and NSW Practitioners
Australian Practitioners