Cancellation Policy


Individuals (personally funded and sponsored), Couples and Families

  • Cancellation greater than 24 hours prior to the session will incur no fee.
  • Cancellations within 24 hours of the session time will incur 50% of the full fee.
      • However, if I am able to rebook an equivalent session there will be no fee.
      • I do understand that emergencies happen, and therefore the first cancellation due to an emergency will incur no fee.
      • If the cancelled session is one of 5 prepaid sessions, a suitable arrangement will be agreed upon.
  • Cancellation due to ‘no show’ will incur the full fee.
      • I understand that forgetting an appointment or not being able to contact me via phone or internet to cancel might occur on the odd occasion. Therefore, the first occurrence of a ‘no show’ will incur no fee as an act of good will.

Small Groups and Small Business

  • Cancellation greater than 72 hours prior to the group session will incur no fee.
  • Cancellation within 72 hours of the group session will incur 50% of the full fee.
    • However, if I am able to rebook an equivalent session there will be no fee.

* Please note that there will be an agreed minimum and maximum number of group members to provide flexibility for group number fluctuations.

Corporate and Organisational Teams

  • Cancellation greater than 5 business days prior to the session will incur no fee.
  • Cancellation within 5 business days will incur 50% of the full fee.
    • However, if I am able to rebook an equivalent team there will be no fee.

* Please note that there will be an agreed minimum and maximum number of group members to provide flexibility for group number fluctuations.


The LifeLine Technique®
Application & Program Design
Giving Back
Conduct of Sessions
Jocelyn Harvey
Dr Darren Weissman
Code of Ethics
Professional Association
The LifeLine Technique®
What is The LifeLine Technique®?
The Mind
Triune Brain Theory
The Subconscious Mind
The Conscious Mind

Muscle Reflex Testing
Hand Mudra
Infinite Love & Gratitude
The Flow Chart
The 5 Basics
Application & Program Design
Program Design Personal
Individuals and Support Groups

Program Design Business
Small Business and Small Groups
Corporate and Organisations
    Giving Back
Free Sessions
      Conduct of Sessions
Two Key Therapeutic Tools
The 16 Steps of the Flow Chart
Creating an Intention
What to Expect
Healing Circles
Cancellation Policy
Jocelyn Harvey
Sydney and NSW Practitioners
Australian Practitioners