The Sacral Chakra         (Close)

The sacral chakra is the second chakra. It represents our creative energy and is associated with pleasure, intimacy, nurture, movement and change.

Psychological Functions: Feelings, emotions, intimacy, procreation, sensuality, confidence, sociability, freedom, and movement.

Physical Issues: genitals, reproductive organs, large intestine, skin, lower vertebrae, hip area, appendix, bladder, wrists and ankles, impotence, frigidity, candida, eating disorders, drug use, depression, alcoholism, gout, and allergies.

Emotional Issues: Self versus other; moving away from the ‘tribe’; pleasure surrounding sex, recreation, and eating; physical and mental enjoyment; power and control; blame and guilt; ethics and honour in relationships.

The sacral chakra’s energy will be out of balance if, for example, you: attempt to control others in relationships; fuel fears about making or losing money; and harbour unresolved conflicts about your sexuality.

Positive actions to strengthen your sacral chakra: respect one another, use your creative forces, be devoted to the self, go with the flow in relationships, release the power of money as a motivating factor, include orange artwork in your home, and listen to music with a bounce or that flows.