Green Leaf is a Washington, D.C.-based environmental services company with simultaneous commitments to enhance occupant health and protect the environment.  Serving both large and small clients, Green Leaf adheres to industry standard green clean policies and procedures.  In addition, we employ an experienced, highly trained staff and use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment.

Green Leaf’s innovative Green Circular Approach separates it from our competitors by customizing a green cleaning program specifically for your facility’s needs.  While developing this program, Green Leaf:

Promotes client communication and awareness to ensure all stakeholders understand and support the cleaning program

Performs an in-depth facility assessment to determine client’s cleaning needs

Identifies where our cleaning program can improve facility health in a cost-effective manner

Establishes goals and measurable benchmarks for evaluating cleaning performance

Provides continual training for the cleaning team and client representative to ensure all participants enhance their knowledge of the cleaning program

Stays abreast of evolving green clean technologies and practices

Contributes a portion of profits to D.C. area non-profit organizations and other charitable institutions

Use Green Leaf and enjoy our
preventative floor maintenance.

Extend the life of your floors.

Don't put up with poor indoor air quality.
Implementing a proper green cleaning program
improves indoor air quality while helping to lessen sick days.

Facility Assessment form

Small businesses are often ignored and under-served in the green cleaning industry, but are valued clients at Green Leaf.  Whether your location is a government agency, large corporate facility or a storefront enterprise, our green cleaning program can make your facility healthier with less harm to the environment.  And with our 24-hour customer support, you’ll have the security of knowing that your company’s emergency cleaning needs are just a phone call away.

Complete Green Leaf’s optional and unique online facility assessment and schedule a free, no-obligation facility service quote today.

Contact Green Leaf toll-free at 1-866-531-4551

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© 2013