What are the Chakras?         (Close)

In addition to our physical body we have an energetic or light body, and within this energetic body there are 7 main energy centres known as chakras. The Sanskrit word chakra means ‘wheel’, and each chakra moves with a spinning motion, forming a vortex of energy. The function of the chakras is to spin and draw-in universal life force energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.

Just as our physical senses perceive the physical world, our chakras sense the energetic vibrations in our environment. Some common examples of our energetic sensitivity include: walking into a chapel and having a sense of love and peace; walking into a room after an argument and feeling that you could ‘cut the air with a knife’; and having a sense of lightness after a difficult situation is resolved.

Each chakra is associated with different aspects of our life. The three lower chakras – root, sacral and solar plexus – are associated with our relationship to the physical world. The three upper chakras – throat, third eye and crown – are associated with our connection to spirit and our higher selves. And the heart chakra is the centre and union of our body, mind and spirit.

Our energetic body has a magnetic field and the chakras serve as magnets. According to The LifeLine Technique philosophy, the chakras attract and repel experiences that represent the subconscious mind. Any limiting beliefs we have about ourselves are held in the chakras. These limiting beliefs cause resistance to the flow of energy through the chakras and also form a lens of misperception. For example, if you have limiting beliefs about your self-worth the vibratory frequency of your solar plexus chakra will be affected and you are likely to attract experiences that reinforce your beliefs, such as unhealthy or critical relationships.

Each of the chakras are discussed in more detail at the bottom of each tab in accordance with their colour: root – red; sacral – orange; solar plexus – yellow; heart – green; throat – blue; third eye – indigo; and crown – violet.