The Solar Plexus Chakra         (Close)

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra. It is about embracing your individuality and uniqueness while continuing to celebrate your connection with all humanity.

Psychological Functions: Personal power, will, wit, laughter, mental clarity, optimism, self-control, curiosity, awareness.

Physical Issues: Digestive system, endocrine glands, diaphragm, nervous system, calves and forearms, middle part of back and spine, diabetes, ulcers, timidity, addictions to stimulants, toxicity, jaundice, and poor memory.

Emotional Issues: Personal power, trust, fear, confidence, self-esteem and self-worth, responsibility for making decisions, self-mastery and personal honour, sensitivity to criticism and rejection, and intuitive voice.

The solar plexus chakra’s energy will be out of balance if, for example, you: break your commitments to yourself; manipulate, dominate or abuse others; fail to maintain clear personal boundaries; seek approval of others; and take on responsibility for everything and everyone.

Positive actions to strengthen your root chakra: take responsibility for your choices and actions; honour yourself; maintain strong personal boundaries; take pride in your work; trust your intuition; keep your word; detoxify your body; complete mind puzzles; wear a yellow gemstone or yellow gold; and listen to music that is mentally stimulating, such as chimes or horn instruments.